(Luke 19, 1-10)
Let us throw off the “riches” of our passions
Many people follow Christ, but remain in situations which prevent them from passing certain boundaries and truly encountering Christ. Hearing of the Messiah, Zacchaeus forgot his place in society, and took no consideration for anything, in order to see Christ. Finally, out of the multitude that followed Christ, only Zacchaeus received the grace of Christ, even though in human terms he lacked every good quality.
Christ, however, sees deeply into the human soul and knows who is receptive of his grace, who actually desires him, and he responds accordingly.
Based on our faith, we can show our desire for Christ much more than Zacchaeus. But this will be proven through things, and will be shown in the response of the Lord. Zacchaeus acts like a man who has found the Saviour, and truly wants salvation. Therefore, immediately setting to work, he severs himself from his prior life, intending to live a new one. And so if we want to be of God now, not later – then we must free ourselves from our weaknesses, and throw off the “riches” of our passions. In this way we show the Lord that he it is that we want inside our souls – that we want our riches to be him. If this truly is our desire then the Lord will truly come to our souls and salvation will truly come to us. Our repentance is all it takes. Christ’s work is to seek and find he who is sinful and lost, and to save him. With this faith let us approach the Lord. And he will save us.
Archimandrite Symeon Kragiopoulos
Holy Hesychasterion “The Nativity of Theotokos” Publications.