The Holly Bible
The first governor of Greece, Ioannis Kapodistrias, visited once a school. He talked to the children, and finally wanted to see the teacher’s library. The teacher had many […]
The first governor of Greece, Ioannis Kapodistrias, visited once a school. He talked to the children, and finally wanted to see the teacher’s library. The teacher had many […]
The devil deceives us, and we forget that we ought to compel ourselves, for the days are passing, and we are gradually approaching death to our inconsolable regret. Compel […]
The “prisoners” referred to by saint John Clima cus said: “My God, if we need to go insane in order to be saved, then let us go insane”. They […]
The prophet Jeremiah lived and acted in biblical Israel, specifically in the kingdom of Judah from the 7th to the 6th century BC. He came from a priestly […]
Illness The truth is that the illnesses, afflictions, and tribulations of Christians bring about the cleansing of the their soul and the forgiveness of their sins. Every Christian has […]
To become a man of God man will have to work his fingers to the bone; he will have to bleed. Unless he bleeds inside, all the things that […]
Man follows God when he obeys His commandments, when he studies and applies the law of God, day, and night. The law of God, which the Christian studies, […]
The study of brief sayings, as, for example, of the Gerontikon, aims to help you overcome yourself everyday. By reading a short apothegm or a page perhaps, you try […]
I consider as a sincere rule of friendship, who that agrees with his friend without reserve, and neither offers his friendship with flattery, nor uses in secret his enemies, […]
At the celebrated Christian days, at such important feasts, to feel the fact, one must not work. On Great and Holy Friday for example, if you want to feel […]