The heavenly treasure
When it comes to material gold, you have to search for it, work hard, labor, and with mathematical precision, you find it. With spiritual issues, it isn’t exactly like […]
When it comes to material gold, you have to search for it, work hard, labor, and with mathematical precision, you find it. With spiritual issues, it isn’t exactly like […]
Why, despite knowing it beforehand, did God create those people who were to sin and not repent, and apparently to suffer eternal damnation? If God did not create […]
By entering into marriage, a person is not alone but has someone else too. Besides that, they are both not alone, but they live before God and something more: […]
Do not consider your brother, who until yesterday was spiritual and virtuous, evil and wicked because of the hatred towards him which was created today by the influence […]
(The Elder writes to one of his spiritual daughters in the world:) † All that you suffered, my daughter, was because of your self-reliance. Didn’t I advise you to have […]
According to Orthodox belief, sin isn’t just that I don’t do this or the other that is a commandment of God, or do something or the other, which opposes […]
That which is not expressed usually has more power than words. Evil has no barriers, it is not hindered either by locks or by distances. Evil can even wreck […]
Didn’t Lucifer and Adam fall away from God through pride and rebellion? Wasn’t Adam saved by the humility of the Theotokos—“Behold the handmaid of the Lord; let it be […]
You cannot imagine how joyous a spiritual father is when at last a soul overcomes its ignorance, its obstinacy, the condition that makes it as if blind! All this […]
Repentance is endless. All the virtues, by the grace of God, may be perfected by man, but no one can perfect repentance, since we need repentance until our last […]