
Lessons from the Gadarene man 



When Christ spoke with the devil, and specifically, with the Gadarene man who was possessed by the demon, the devil revealed 2 things to us:

  1. a) he admits that Christ is stronger than he is and begs Him, not to cast him into the abyss, into the depths, but into the pigs, when he casts him out of the possessed man, as he finally did, and
  2. b) he admits that there is a hell, since he talks about the depths and we still in our unbelief, we commonly say: “Here is hell and here is heaven”. Are we going to contradict the devil, a 7500-year-old spirit? Doesn’t he know and do we?  

And in our folly, we also say another thing: Who has come from there to tell us that there is life after death? Here, the devil, in this meeting with Christ, admits that there is life after death.  What better witness do you want than the devil? He admits something that it’s not in man’s interest to know.


Preacher Dimitrios Panagopoulos (+ 1982)

Translated by Dr. Nick Stergiou













Lessons from the Gadarene man