
Elder Efraim of Arizona. About Illness



  The afflictions felt in illnesses are sent by the holy hand of our good God. The most
effective medicine for spiritual health is bodily illness. Illnesses are the reveille for the
soul that has become drowsy with the narcotic drink of ignorance, of forgetfulness of
God. Illnesses force the soul that has become careless, because of its spiritually
harmful physical health, to get back to the right way of life. “In affliction I remembered
Thee.” 1 “In my affliction Thou hast made me prosper.” 2 “We must through many
tribulations enter into life.” 3 “By your patience possess your souls.” 4
  The slaps of pure love are absolutely never occasioned without a holy and saving
purpose foreseen! The Lord tells us in the Holy Gospel that without the will of our
heavenly Father, not even a sparrow falls dead, and that the very hairs of our head
are numbered. 5 How assuring these words are that all our deeds, words, and
thoughts are known to God, and that our afflictions occur with His knowledge, are
from His providence, and aim at some salvific goal!
1 Is. 26:16
2 Ps. 4:1
3 cf. Acts 14:22
4 Lk. 21:19
5 cf. Mt. 10:29-30

subm. no. 16
paragraphs: 1*, 4, 7 from pages 35, 43, 47




From the book

Councels from the Holy mountain

Selected from the letters and homilies of Elder Efraim of Arizona

Selection of passages from the book by Silviu Podariu









Elder Efraim of Arizona. About Illness