Every man on the Day of Judgment will take on a “characteristic form”, a particular form with specific characteristics, which will be proportional to “the qualities of evil or […]
Category: Saints and Elders – Counsels
Elder Efraim of Arizona-Through Time to Eternity
May your prayers support the crumbling house of my wretched soul. There is nothing good in me. That is why I weep, calling to mind the things that will […]
December 9: The Conception of the Most Holy Theotokos by Saint Anna
The righteous Joachim and Anna were childless for fifty years of their married life. In their old age the Archangel Gabriel appeared to each one of them separately, telling […]
With sick love
The one who is a lover of self, according to the Holy Fathers, can be neither a friend of God nor a friend of humans. He may pretend that […]
A Divine Alliance
As an acropolis surrounded by impregnable walls mocks those who besiege it, so the soul, if it surrounds itself with all the virtues like towers in a divine […]
Elder Efraim of Arizona-Τhe virtue of humility that destroys the devil
Since we already know very well that the hunter of our souls has set and laid traps everywhere, let us not be drowsy. Whether at a store or in […]
Be Careful with your friends
One day two friends were going for a walk. One had a suit and was clean. The other was wearing old clothes and was dirty. At some point […]
The Jesus prayer is not an invention of the monks
The request of the two blind men, that is, “Have mercy on us, Son of David” (Matthew 9:27), is a variation of the well-known prayer, “Lord Jesus Christ, Son […]
Elder Efraim of Arizona-Τhe value of repentance
Beloved brother, may God, Who has visited our humbleness, grant us genuine repentance, through which God’s tribunal is propitiated. Sincere repentance is repentance that displays regret for sins committed, […]
Crying for love
Man accepts the charity and the great mercy of the Holy Trinity and offers a heart that constantly repents, gives thanks, praises, weeps with love for the Lord, constantly […]