The devil deceives us, and we forget that we ought to compel ourselves, for the days are passing, and we are gradually approaching death to our inconsolable regret. Compel […]
Category: Saints and Elders – Counsels
The Sorrowful Prophet: The theological personality of the prophet Jeremiah
The prophet Jeremiah lived and acted in biblical Israel, specifically in the kingdom of Judah from the 7th to the 6th century BC. He came from a priestly […]
Elder Efraim of Arizona. God gives a cross to every Christian soul.
Illness The truth is that the illnesses, afflictions, and tribulations of Christians bring about the cleansing of the their soul and the forgiveness of their sins. Every Christian has […]
The way – The Unrepentant
Man follows God when he obeys His commandments, when he studies and applies the law of God, day, and night. The law of God, which the Christian studies, […]
Elder Efraim of Arizona. About the importance of confession
See to it that you are sincere in your deeds as well as in your words, and especially in confession. For God searches out the hearts and […]
The true friend
I consider as a sincere rule of friendship, who that agrees with his friend without reserve, and neither offers his friendship with flattery, nor uses in secret his enemies, […]
How to live the feast day of Great and Holy Friday
At the celebrated Christian days, at such important feasts, to feel the fact, one must not work. On Great and Holy Friday for example, if you want to feel […]
Act like the father
Those who do not act like the Father, the Father, when they call him Father, does not listen to them. Approach Him, therefore, after you first give evidence that […]
A modern miracle
It was after hours on Sunday night when the priest of the church decided to call his wife at home to tell her that he would be coming home […]
The soul is the master
“Flee fornication” and every other carnal sin, for man must never become a slave to his passions, a plaything of his appetites. “I can try everything, but not everything […]