The devil, of course, will not remain inactive; he also has his own weapons. Which ones? For instance, he whispers to us: “You can’t do anything. I will throw […]
Category: Saints and Elders – Counsels
The Ascetic Desert
The ascetic meaning of the word “desert” does not refer to a geographical place, but to a way of life. It is such a kind of “withdrawal” from people, […]
Elder Efraim of Arizona- illness
God chastens and then heals; He raises up and casts down—who is able to withstand the will of the Lord? If God wills that we suffer, He has some […]
Reading the Holy Bible
Blessed Epiphanius said: “You get great security for the avoidance of sin by reading the Holy Bible.” The Christian books Blessed Epiphanius said: “It is necessary, for those who […]
Elder Efraim of Arizona-On Passions
Do not feed your passions by yielding to them, so that you do not suffer pain and affliction later! Labor now, as much as you can, because otherwise, if […]
God why did you let this happen
Many times, we try to understand why something happens in our lives, usually something that produces a lot of pain. Then we ask the Lord, “Why did you let this […]
Elder Efraim of Arizona-Be brave in the fight
My children, be brave in the fight. Our Christ is invisibly present, waiting to see your victory, in order to give you the unfading crown of eternal glory! Whoever loves […]
How to please God
Someone asked Saint Antony the Great: “Elder, what should I be watchful over to please God?” And the Elder answered: “Keep the following. Wherever you go, always have God before […]
Praying for the dead
God wants to help those who have died, because he feels pain for their salvation, but He does not, because He has nobility. He does not want to give the […]
Elder Efraim of Arizona-The Lord is faithful in all
“As I find you, I will judge you.” 1 Behold, the value of a moment. Did He find you in repentance? Did He meet you in confession? Did He […]