And in order not to be timid and low-spirited, always remember that where the sorrows of the world are, this is where there is the heavenly consolation of […]
Category: Saints and Elders – Counsels
Elder Efraim of Arizona.Τhe one needful thing
We have so much material offered by the devil, the world, and our carelessness to talk about idly, so many events and stories that are taking place and […]
Spiritual messages
Do not be disturbed If you have succumbed to any sin or weakness, do not be disturbed, do not add another wound to the wound. Take with courage […]
Elder Efraim of Arizona about Prayer
May your entire soul cleave with love to the meaning of the prayer, so that your nous, your inner voice, and your will—these three components of your soul—become […]
What holds the world together?
The world is held together with praying. And when prayer gets weakened, then the world is lost. St. Silouan the Athonite Endure them without complaining Our illnesses […]
The sense of God’s presence through the prayer
The point is not simply to say words of prayer. The point is for the whole man to be a prayer before God. The moment […]
Elder Efraim of Arizona. About the repentance
To fall and be injured is human, since —even if a man’s life lasted for only one day— his mind is inclined to evil from his youth. […]
Sufferings foreshadow God’s blessings
A Christian has his cross, his sufferings, that will be laid upon him by the Lord. Bear, though, in mind, that these aren’t plain sufferings that simply fall […]
Elder Efraim of Arizona ‘’don’t curse anyone’’!
You write, my child, about someone who kept grieving you, and you cursed him, etc. No, my child, do not curse anyone, no matter how much he has […]
The elevation of holy cross
We need to be in such a spirit, as if today was the last day at our disposal. And let us live according- ly. Indeed, every present moment […]