To fall and be injured is human, since —even if a man’s life lasted for only one day— his mind is inclined to evil from his youth. 1 But […]
Category: Saints and Elders – Counsels
The perfect child
If we have very little faith, then we are distressed and sad. One of the great benefits of faith is to be free of worries and sadness. For example, […]
How to pray. ( You will find it easily )
If you truly want to learn how to pray, take as an example and learn to imitate a good guitar player. Such a person tilts the head slightly down […]
Be watchful and alert
Temptations bring humility. God knows how much each one of us can withstand in terms of temptations. Thus, He allows temptations to the extent of our […]
Physical health follows health of the soul
It’s nice to walk, work, move and have health. But first you need to have internal health, health in your soul. This is the basis, physical health follows. […]
Tips for spiritual growth
For someone to make progress in spiritual life, he always has to find redeeming qualities for everyone, even for the devil himself. The one thing he should never do […]
If love is what you wish to have
If you search inside you and cannot find love, but love is what you wish to have, then start doing good works even if it is without love; and […]
You are not a Christian if you are not an optimist
I could not call myself a Christian if I was not an optimist, and if I will call myself a Christian and I was not an optimist, then I will […]
A simple prayer guidance from Elder Efraim of Arizona
Prayer is one of the foremost and strongest powers that causes him who prays to be born again, and it grants him bodily and spiritual well-being. Prayer is the eyes […]
“May it be blessed”
Compel yourself, my child, for the sake of your soul. Compel yourself to comfort the brethren, and the Lord will comfort you—He will give you His grace. Have patience, have […]