May the love of our heavenly Father be with your souls, so that being invigorated by it you may bear the fruit of obedience to His life-giving commandments. […]
Category: Saints and Elders – Counsels
Living in Christ
When we live in Christ, we feel like we are flying! We feel great joy and we have beautiful spiritual experiences. Slowly we become prisoners of the good, […]
Guard your ears and your mouths
Do not accept any evil words, but keep your soul clean and uncorrupt. Because if you accept the dirty words of someone who speaks against his neighbor, then your […]
The eternal life
Do not forget your goal, my child. Look into heaven and see the beauty that awaits us. What are the present, earthly things? Aren’t they but ashes and dust […]
Sleepiness and prayer
Sometimes it is so difficult to remain awake and alert during our morning or evening prayers. Is it because we are tired from work or school or is […]
Regarding Alms Giving
Alms is not only giving money out of your wallet. Alms is to accept a fellow human being to sit next to you, without alienate him/her with your thoughts. […]
Always be ready
Every Christian should consider the following: 1) that the time of your life passes without stopping, 2) that you cannot turn back time and the past is completely gone, […]
Prayer by Saint Paisios for the entire world
Our Lord Jesus Christ, do not desert your servants who at present are away from the Church, but through your love and grace bring everybody close you. Remember Lord […]
Regardig repentance
One of the desert fathers relates the following beneficial story: In Thessaloniki, there was once a convent of virgins. One of the nuns by virtue of the works […]
Τhe future glory
Everything will pass and will end as if had never existed, whereas works done in God will remain with the soul that worked them so that the worker […]