
The life of Saint Theophilos the Neomartyr (celebrated on 7/24/2024)



Saint Theophilos was born in 1617 AD and was handsome and athletic. Working as a sailor he did not want to serve on a Turkish ship. Greece was under Turkish occupation at that time. Because he went against the will of the Turkish captain, he was slandered by him, that he had supposedly worn a Turkish headgear on his head. He was forcibly led to the magistrate, where, with flattery and bullying, they tried to turn him to islam. Theophilus, boldly confessing Christ, was forcibly circumcised by the Turks, who wanted to send him as a gift to the Sultan’s palace. But Theophilos, while still in Chios, escaped and went to Samos, where he remained for some time. When he returned to Chios, the Turks recognized him, and after arresting him, led him to the judge. The judge, seeing Theophilos persisting in his faith, condemned him to death by fire. Undeterred, this brave martyr of our faith made the sign of the cross and said, “Into your hands, Christ, I submit my soul”. And he entered the fire alone, where he gave his holy soul to God on July 24, 1635 AD. His remains left from the fire were purchased by Christians and deposited with honors in the church of the Great Martyr George in Chios.

From the Great Synaxarion 












The life of Saint Theophilos the Neomartyr (celebrated on 7/24/2024)