
Messages from a monastery


Messages from a monastery

God is Love

Love is God Himself. If you reach unconditional love, you have reached God; you have reached the kingdom of God: this is paradise, this is real life. Love towards God becomes immediately love to- wards fellow men, and you feel love for everybody. And when this happens, these are the most beautiful hours and moments of your life.

Outcry against Christians

Things may come in such a way, as if there is a general outcry against us, exactly because we believe in Christ. Didn’t the Lord say “And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake”? We should know this and not be afraid.

An unusual gift of God

It is a blessing and a gift of God, to suffer for Christ: to be unfairly treated, to be shown contempt for, to be abused, to be spoken ill of, to be thrown mud at. Do we want this blessing?


Transcribed talks by Archimandrite Symeon Kragiopoulos

From: Holy Hesychasterion “The Nativity of Theotokos” Publications









Messages from a monastery