
Christ has all things, and He gives all things


If He doesn’t give on one occasion, He knows why. Not however that He is not able to give. When He sends out the apostles to preach, He tells them not to rely on anything human –‘Don’t take this, don’t provide for that.’ The Lord sends them to His own work and He takes care of everything.

It’s worthwhile for us to take note of these details. We should take the spirit of the words of the Lord. This spirit is needed in us too. Not only in one who does missionary work. How many times, if we had that spirit, would we not get sick, not lose sleep, not suffer in various ways.


‘O my God, I am in Thy providence, beneath Thine eyes. That which happens to me dost Thou allow. Thou hast Thy reasons. Let them seem so se- vere –in the end, they are a blessing to me. I give thanks unto Thee.’




Archimandrite Symeon Kragiopoulos (†)

From the book: Archimandrite Symeon Kragiopoulos, “SPIRITUAL MESSAGES” Panorama Thessaloniki, 2017










Christ has all things, and He gives all things