
How the saints have full control of ourselves



If you are a little tree with thorns, whoever comes
close to you, will get scratched. If you go close to
anyone, you will scratch him even more. You have
to change. You have to cease being this tree, you
have to cease being a sapling with thorns. It’s up to
After the fall, man conceives all sorts of tricks
and cunning devices to hide from God. Whether we
like it or not, because of sin, because of the fall
and the whole guile that entered man, man folds up
and hides his soul.

In some respect, the saints do not have a con-
scious, a subconscious and an unconscious level
like the rest of us. Their whole existence is
transparent, crystal clear –a conscious level, before
God. This is how the saint has full control of himself
in every sin- gle action he takes.



Archimandrite Symeon Kragiopoulos (†)

From the book: Archimandrite Symeon Kragiopoulos, “SPIRITUAL MESSAGES” Panorama Thessaloniki, 2017







How the saints have full control of ourselves