God expects you to say to Him one day: “Yes, my God, I used to accept you, I used to believe in you, I used to do many religious […]
Category: Spiritual art in everyday life
The mystery of salvation
You should feel the mystery of salvation deeply in your heart. Listen to this piece of advice: be over whelmed by salvation, love it, long for it. You should […]
The God messages
Man can repent at any moment. Instead of thinking of what you didn’t do or what you were supposed to do and didn’t and, as a result, raise a wall […]
The true rependance
The more you obey, the more you get away from yourself and Christ makes you His own. By disobey ing and being carried away by what pleases you and accomodates […]
What does it mean not leaving this world due to sudden death?
Falling sick is an infinite benefaction for man and the Church prays that no one leaves this world due to sudden death. What does it mean not leaving this […]
What God expects from you
At the time of persecutions Christians cared for one thing only. Not to betray Christ, not to deny Him, not to do anything against their faith. They paid attention to […]
On Carnal Warfare
Do not lose heart, my child. It is a battle and it will pass. All the saints were fought against. They had such great warfare that they took poisonous […]
How to read the Psalms
When you read the verses of your psalms, do not think that they are someone else’s words, which you repeat, and so you think that the psalms you have before […]
Patience with afflictions
Ι had a cousin, her mind was affected by an illness and suffered. About twenty years later she died. Believe me, I saw her in a vision within the ranks […]
Christ’s generosity
All those who loved Christ and responded to His love were wounded by God’s love, His concern and condescension. God’s generosity and bounty to man were such that He […]