Let us become aware of our sin and weakness and see our weakness in its real dimensions. That’s how the Lord would like us to be. Αware of […]
Category: Spiritual art in everyday life
What am I my Lord?
In the depth of your being, in your soul, it is im– portant to feel like this, “What am I my Lord? I am nothing. I am a big […]
Do you want to be a true Christian ?
In spiritual life things often look difficult. And soon enough, a man in struggle finds himself kicking back in rebellion. However, if man really wants to be a […]
In today’s chaos, I was blessed to be a Christian!”
It is true and real that man, no matter who he may be, no matter what kind of problems he may have, he can indeed be oriented in a […]
The road of obedience
During the early years of Christianity, martyr- dom for the faith was the central feature in the life of Christians. Everybody wanted to be a martyr for Christ. And […]
We have to rely upon God’s love
Each and every one of us should do serious work in themselves to find out where they make conces- sions, what they succumb to, to what extent […]
Τhe feeling of God’s presence.
Can’t we apply something of the Gospel? At least we should humble ourselves! “Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me”. If you pay attention to the meaning of […]
God knows better than you how much you suffer
There are numerous souls who appear obstinate at a difficult moment. Let me say that they take an attitude like this: “Doesn’t God see that I am suffer- ing? […]
Christ hears our longing for salvation
God looks for the man, who longs for his salvation, who longs for Christ despite struggling with evil, or his bad thoughts. Even if you don’t manage […]
Worldly spirit is our soul’s death
Every man is of God, every man is a creature of God. It is of no importance how sin has affected and is still affecting every soul […]