Do what your conscience dictates. Your con- science may be unclean, blind even, but there is a voice in there, a little voice, the voice of God. Anyone may […]
Category: Spiritual art in everyday life
The worldly spitit and the spirit of the saints
If you don’t take a distance from the worldly spirit, you cannot focus. There can be no devoutness in the soul nor fear of God, piety, […]
The Holy Theophany
The Trinitarian God is revealed at the baptism of the Lord. The Son, who is God and man enters the Jordan river, the Holy Spirit descends as a […]
The new year, God takes us under his wing
To a Christian, there is practically no such thing as the end of one year and the beginning of another; but, even if we take it this way, […]
The Synaxis of the Most Holy Theotokos
Christ became man and took the human nature from the Theotokos, precisely in order to come into the hearts of all of us, so that every man can have […]
The humble soul
If you seriously engage yourself in the good fight, there comes a time when you will confess, “Dear God, what was the case with me? How could I have lived […]
Show faith, show trust
We can’t expect to see the light of God unless we are seized by the reality that God exists, that ev- erything is His and that we are His […]
St. Jonh Chrysostom : We Christians have found gold!
Saint John Chrysostom says the following: “If they ask you which one you prefer, to be able to turn grass into gold or tread over gold as if it […]
Demetrius the Great Martyr the Myrrh-streamer
Saint Demetrius is a role model for all Christians and particularly young people. What do young peo- ple desire in every era, and mainly the youth of our days? […]
We don’t mature spiritually at once
We don’t mature spiritually at once. We do so, little by little, by being taught. Let us be eager and courageous to move on little by little, until God […]