Do you want to be assured whether you think, act, speak properly or not every minute of your life? Keep this in mind: “Do I act, think, or speak having […]
Category: Spiritual art in everyday life
When people tread you badly
The moment people give you trouble and tick you off, inwardly all sorts of passions fire up. If you look at this fact from the right perspective, it will do […]
God, why don’t you make my wish come true?
What is going on with us? We want God to favor us by indulging our whims. In spiritual life, though, the main issue is to suffer loss. Let […]
Why did God become a man?
What does Christmas mean? Saint Athanasius says, “God became man in order for man to become god”. And, indeed, God makes a god out of man. In other […]
“It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me”
Christian is the person who lives in Christ so much, in whom Christ lives so much, that he no longer lives, but Christ lives in him. And he can say, […]
Saint Ignatius: “…only to enjoy my Christ.”
Saint Ignatius confesses: “Of all things visible and invisible I envy nothing. The only thing I want to gain is Jesus Christ. Fire and crucifixion, assaults of beasts, scattering of […]
This is the way to prepare for Christmas
God the Father gives us His Son for a gift. What shall we offer to God? We think we do something important. We do nothing important. Everything is of God. […]
Never stop starting over
The grace of God will give us true humility and true repentance. It’ll grant us every possible virtue. But, on our behalf, we need to become humble, we need to […]
The mercy of God is all we’re left with
The man whose hopes lie with the present world can’t truly repent or become humble. You can truly repent and become humble only if you feel totally lost, only if […]
Sin is nothing comparing to God’s Mercy
Let us learn this one thing only: to take things positively. Man certainly sinned, but the Lord came and died for him. So, the time of this life is granted […]