Man knows he has to act according to God’s command. Yet, he fails and breaks the command. On account of this violation, guilt is immediately created within […]
Category: Spiritual art in everyday life
I can lift my cross with His help
The Lord is a living God, who governs all, who sorts everything out according to his merciful plan, who loves us, who has taken us under His wing, who […]
How the saints have full control of ourselves
If you are a little tree with thorns, whoever comes close to you, will get scratched. If you go close to anyone, you will scratch him even more. […]
How can we live joylessly
The Christian who complains, who constantly frets and fumes, doesn’t feel that it is a great matter that he came into existence from non-being and exists as a creature […]
We have lost Christ
Perhaps, in the end, we are stagnating spiritually not because there were other opportunities in the years of persecution and now things are different, but because we have lost […]
Spiritual messages
The answer to global warming Love positively changes the nature of things. St. John Chrysostom About Love He who loved God, first loved his neighbor. For the latter […]
Catherine the Great-martyr
Saint Catherine possessed all human gifts, all of them, indeed. Richness, wisdom and beauty, too. However, she sacrificed all her gifts as if they were nothing, in order […]
The man who blames himself for his sins
A man who blames himself for his sins, expe- riences this truth and this reality: that he’s a sinful “nothing”. He gives up all hope that something good […]
The uncreated light. The energy of God
Saint Gregory Palamas often makes references to the event of the Lord’s Transfiguration. “And His face did shine as the sun, and His raiment was white as the light”. […]
Saint Nestor
Saint Demetrius taught his disciples about Christ in the Shelter, in the crypt. Τhey didn’t simply have feasts and celebrations. That would be the easy part. He taught them […]