‘Whosoever remains in Me and I in them bears much fruit.’ The Panaghia, like no one else, lived this truth. She was above all the one who remained in […]
Category: Spiritual art in everyday life
What is salvation
Nowhere do we see the martyrs being distressed praying insistently, for example, that God rescue them. On the contrary, they pray that He give them strength to bear all […]
The heavenly treasure
When it comes to material gold, you have to search for it, work hard, labor, and with mathematical precision, you find it. With spiritual issues, it isn’t exactly like […]
The successful marriage
By entering into marriage, a person is not alone but has someone else too. Besides that, they are both not alone, but they live before God and something more: […]
What is sin ?
According to Orthodox belief, sin isn’t just that I don’t do this or the other that is a commandment of God, or do something or the other, which opposes […]
What separates the soul from God
You cannot imagine how joyous a spiritual father is when at last a soul overcomes its ignorance, its obstinacy, the condition that makes it as if blind! All this […]
God can make each of us a Saint
In the lives of the saints we find the Gospel put into practice. Studying the Gospel alongside the Lives of the Saints, which we imitate, we are not deceived. […]
The road of simplicity and humility
Whatever passions one might have, when he is on the road of simplicity and humility, he is gracious. Here is an example: Without knowing it, the other person is […]
Circumcision of the Lord
Today, our Church celebrates the Circumcision of the Lord. Christ, although an infant as man, is nonetheless God and arranges things to happen like this, to be circumcised. Because […]
Christ has all things, and He gives all things
If He doesn’t give on one occasion, He knows why. Not however that He is not able to give. When He sends out the apostles to preach, He tells […]