
Saturday fof the Akathist Hymn. St Mary of Egypt



When a Christian reaches repentance, he finds Christ in him. By virtue of it, he realizes the extent of his sin and the filth, rottenness and disease he has inside. Seized by this truth, he says, “My God, give me many years to live and repent”. It does not concern him if life is difficult, if he is likely to be in danger or suffer; no; he wants to live longer and longer, in order to repent in his heart, because this is the cure. And, what’s more, he wants to be devoted to Christ.


Similarly to the prostitute of the Gospel, the ven erable saint Mary of Egypt seems to have received

special grace from God and she, somehow, helps you sense His mercy. Standing before the love of God, before the mercy of God every soul is overwhelmed and exposes its disease. That’s the power of God: He saves the unworthy, the people that by no means could have been saved. The mercy of God floods in and forgives you, sanctifies you and God takes you with Him eternally.




Archimandrite Symeon Kragiopoulos (†)

From the book: Archimandrite Symeon Kragiopoulos, “SPIRITUAL MESSAGES” Panorama Thessaloniki, 2017







Saturday fof the Akathist Hymn. St Mary of Egypt