(Luke 15, 11-32) Are we recipients of God’s compassion? The prodigal son from the first moment realised his mistake, his failure, but he did not immediately return […]
Category: Spiritual Life
”Every man is an image of God ” St. John of Kronstadt
Every man is an image of God, and that all his glory is within him, in his heart. Remember that every man is an image of […]
Christ Lives and Reigns
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (John 1:1) The Word has existed from the beginning and thus […]
What is hell ?
“…So that they too do not come to this place of torture” (Luke 16:28) Does another world exist? Behold, my beloved, the huge question that the sacred gospel […]
Let the prophet Elijah be an example for us
Let the prophet Elijah be an example for us The case of prophet Elijah is pretty impressive. At some moment, it seemed as if the prophet had lost heart, […]
Annunciation of the Theotokos
The Lord wishes to come to our hearts through the Holy Spirit. And for this miracle to happen, He always expects us to respond just like the Virgin […]