
The Feastday of Saint Andrew the Apostle and First called


Sunday 30.11.2014


 “Αm I led by the Holy Spirit?”


The Holy Spirit, which changed saint Andrew from an ordinary man into an apostle of Christ, is indeed what transformed him completely. And as a new man, as a spirit bearer, led by the spirit of God, saint Andrew did what he did. In no way can we, christians, become men of God, in no way can our work be the work of God if we rely on our ability, on our knowledge, on our good intention. Only the Holy Spirit can change us into men of God. The Holy Spirit through us will do the work of God, and thus our work will bear the stamp of God, not ours.

Let us question ourselves: “Am I led by the Holy Spirit? Do I let the Holy Spirit lead me the way He wishes? Or do I take such a stance that I do not allow the Holy Spirit to lead me, but I am led hither and yon by my own self?”

The change made by the Holy Spirit on the apostles and all the saints can and should happen to every single one of us. Nobody can be an exception. Whoever does not believe in that, sins, and maybe he commits the greatest of sins, because it is as if he annuls the whole work of Christ, His Gospel; it is as if he belies Christ himself.


Transcribed talks by Archimandrite Symeon Kragiopoulos

From: Holy Hesychasterion “The Nativity of Theotokos” Publications.




The Feastday of Saint Andrew the Apostle and First called