St. Anthony the Great or Antony the Great (ca. 251–356), also known as Saint Anthony, or ‘Anthony of Egypt’, Abba Antonius (Ἀββᾶς Ἀντώνιος), and Father of All Monks, was […]
Tag: Synaxarion
Saint Kosmas the Aetolian as a Missionary Part 1
1. Introduction. A holy anniversary has recently been celebrated in Greece: this past 24th of August marked the passage of 180 years from the very day on which a […]
S.S. Constantine and Helen
When one looks up into the sky, one will not only admire the excellent order and harmony of the universe, but will be moved by its unique decoration […]
St Eupraxia
Antigonus and his wife Eupraxia were pious and bestowed generous alms on the destitute. A daughter was born to them, whom they also named Eupraxia. Antigonos soon died, and […]
St. John (Ivan) the Russian
On the 27th of May we celebrate the memory of a newly-revealed Saint, of Russian background, whose holy remains are found to be – seemingly against human […]
Venerable Joseph the Sanctified
Commemorated 22 January Our Venerable Father Joseph the Sanctified, surnamed Samakos, was born and raised in Crete. He came into the world a short time before the destruction of […]
St. Demetrious of Thessaloniki
Saint Demetrius of Thessaloniki (Greek: Άγιος Δημήτριος της Θεσσαλονίκης) was a Christianmartyr, who lived in the early 4th century. During the Middle Ages, he came to be revered as one of the most […]
St. Panteleimon. The Great Martyr
During the end of the 3rd century AD St. Panteleimon, the Great Doctor and Martyr, was born. His father, Eustrogios, was not only very rich but was well […]